Composition is Everything

. Nov 8, 2007

Next learning is focused on composition. The photograph taken on 2 in the afternoon. The sun shines very bright and it creates very bad color as the original photo was taken in color. I didn't want to miss the moment, so I thought that the scene is better for composition learning.

The river was dry so that the rocks might be seen and I could find the best angle to take the picture. The camera setting was: exposure 1/800, f/14, the focal length is 18. My mistake was I didn't change the ISO setting for it used ISO 800.

I use macromedia fireworks to make adjustment. I turn the photo to black and white so that it will be more interesting.

Photography in the Morning

The photography above is about a man who cut a coconut tree. The time when the photograph is taken is morning, about 8 o'clock. When I look at the photograph, it seems that one foot of man is missing, it is because the wood's dust covering his foot.

To photograph this moment I use my Canon EOS 20D with its standard lens. I use slow speed to create dramatic effect of the dust, but the light is not enough to brighten the dust.

Comment on this photo are welcomed.

My Grandmother Photograph

. Nov 6, 2007

The photograph of my grandmother. She is about 70s, she got stroke so that hard to speak. Her memories are fine but the verbal that is damaged. She is my line to born to this world.
I took her photograph in my daughter's birthday on June 2007. The camera that was used was Canon 20D. I'm new in photography so that sometimes I didn't set the camera to the right setting. I believe someday I could set my camera better.

Everyone is a Painter

. Jul 16, 2007

I believe everyone knows Picasso, Leonardo Da Vinci, Van Gogh and many more painters in the world. The world knows their works and masterpieces. Their painting are reproducted everywhere so that everyone recognizes their works. Do you realize that we are also painters? Oh… Really? We are painters. Do we have masterpiece? Yes, all of we have a masterpiece.

If you are asking what picture we really paint, so, the answer is LIFE. Yes everyone paints their own life. What we do everyday is the color of the painting. Wherever we step the foot we are draging the brush creating lines, curves, dots of the life painting process. Everyday, we create tracks of our own life and it will be history. Sadness, happiness, regrets, goodness, badness and everything that you absorb through your brain will be the color of the life. The painting is the result of what we have done and form a kind of person of us. The whole picture will be seen later by your own generation. The good painting will be memorized by our own clan while the bad one will be discarded. So, what do you want to be?

Sketch your painting.
What kind of person that we want to create in the next 2, 5 or 10 years? We have to know exactly what kind of person that we wanna be, a doctor, presenter, photographer, scientist etc., just choose yourself. The answer to the question is becoming the sketch of our painting, a sketch is an illustration or visualization of the whole project.
Once we decide what and when (what kind of person do we want to be and when it happens), we have to begin the project soon. The project begins with choosing the colors that will form the picture.

What color do you like?
We have to choose our own color! The color here means the way of life that will lead us to the final picture. It means, all daily activity should fill the sketch and lead us to our goal. For example if you want to be a professional photographer so your color is practicing and learning photography every day, open mind to new things. If you find a color that isn’t match to the picture, just leave it and find another color.
We will find many influences which sometimes ruin our picture. Just be carreful to the influences. We have to be consistent to the sketch, but I’m afraid consistency is the hardest thing that we will face. In the painting process we may find something more fun than our goal so that we will forget the goal and mess up everything.

In my opinion we are free to choose our way of life. Whatever color do we choose is up to us, the thing that should be remembered is what picture we really want to create.


. Jul 12, 2007

For me...

Life is about to fill..
Fill the emptiness within..
What you filled in... it is what you'll be seen...